School Transportation
- All students must bring their diaries to school daily.
- Punctuality and regularity in attendance is a must. Students must reach school at least five minutes before the fixed time. Students arriving late will be detained after school gives over.
- Absence from school for merely social functions is strongly discouraged.
- No half-day leave is permitted.
- Students should wear the proper school uniform, clean and ironed on all working days.
- Boys should have their hair trimmed short.
- Girls should have their hair well-groomed and jewelry should be avoided. Long hair should be made into two braids or ponytails according to length.
- Nails should be regularly trimmed. The use of nail polish and henna is forbidden.
- English must be spoken at all times in the school.
- Discipline must be maintained always and movement between classrooms must be orderly
- Students should observe polite standards at all times. Refinement of manners and courtesy should distinguish every student of this school.
- Students are responsible for safe custody of their books and belongings, which should be well labeled with the name and grade of the student
- The school is not responsible for the things lost however there is a 'Lost Property box’ where lost and found items are kept
- School property should not be tampered or damaged. All damage to school property must be remedied at the cost of the offender.
- Irregular attendance habitual illness, neglect of homework, disobedience and disrespect towards members of the school staff or bad moral influence justify suspension or dismissal.
- Chewing gum is not allowed in the school premises. Students are expected to refrain from cheating, swearing and use of abusive language.
- Lunch sent with your child must be nutritious. Lunch comprising of carbonated drinks, chips etc. (junk food) is not acceptable.
- Gadgets, cell phones and toys are not to be brought to the school. If found they will be confiscated.
- Students up to Grade V are not allowed to wear wrist watches to school.
- Any change in address or phone numbers must be communicated to the Principal.
- In case a student suffers serious injury in the school premises the parent shall be informed before necessary action is taken