About Leeds International Academy

Leeds International Academy by RESET (Rural Education And Social Elevation Trust) represents aspirations of a highly emeritus conglomerate of personalities from spectral fields of life. The sole purpose of the institution is to provide world-class education among different strata of people in this part of the world. With the aim to lay strong ethical/moral values and to create a spirit of innovation & leadership qualities in students, the school has designed a wide range of programmes to realize its dreams.

The people of the valley (with a population of more than 1.25 crores tentatively ) are known for their perseverance, hard work and educational potential. Owing to the serious paucity of educational institutions compatible with international standards, a group of highly enthusiastic persons have taken an initiative to cater effectively to the educational needs of people. The institution stands to strive for excellence and produce spherical development of a child (social/ethical/moral/etc.). It aims at creativity, skill development, analytical thinking, physical development etc. for different age groups of students. The difference in thinking and approach is what makes this institution remarkable with reference to 21st-century futuristic education.

The management of the school is debonair/enthusiastic group of people working tirelessly in the field of education for more than sixteen years. Owing to its down-to-earth approach, the alumni has been producing exemplary results in various fields -exams on national and international levels. Inspired by its own passion, the management is bent upon setting up a cluster of educational institutions, thus, standing firm to the ideal: ‘Not To Question Why, But To Do And Die’. The School is among the long list of initiatives/programmes/projects that we strongly believe could revolutionize the entire educational set-up of this place.

The school is equipped with world-class facilities among which, shall include Smart Technology Empowered Classes, Smart Class Room Programme, Online Tutorials, Multi-Purpose Indoor/Outdoor Activity Fields/Halls, ICT Labs, Digital Language Rooms, State Of Art Labs, Virtual Campus Tour, Gymnasium and Others. Virtual Math Labs, Digital Libraries, K.G. Activity Halls, Concept Rooms and spectral range of other services etc. However, these facilities are backed by highly innovative programmes of the R&D department of the school. The child is the focus and quality is the commitment of this group, we work tirelessly to strive for the overall excellence of children. Quality Assurance Department serves as a tool to effect the aim of ‘Academic Excellence’ of children.

Just as the creation of a city needs homesteads, materializing a vision needs to be shouldered by numerous people. It is fortunate that the institution has the patronage of a team-dedicated, versatile and explorative. Since it is a new beginning, its work has to perpetuate. The school is committed to glorifying the generations and generations to follow and adding to the dignity of society through its strenuous efforts. It is earnestly guided by principles of Commitment, Determination, Teamwork, Integrity, Compassion, Responsibility, Perseverance, Respect and Trust.

Our Vision

To provide for the efficient growth and development of children, imparting the art of learning in a cohesive atmosphere in the interest and ability of the children is vital. Our vision is to support and nurture the child’s self desire to be a life long learner. The academy aims to help children unfold their personalities and progress by having a positive approach to life and to conserve the practical values and culture of our society.  We endeavour to  inculcate a sense of confidence in our youth and make our students global citizens, committed to enabling them to fall within the ambit of 21st century futuristic education enhancing life skills, social skills and art of collaboration.

Our Mission

  • To provide a positive, encouraging and stimulating environment  in order to facilitate early learning
  • To provide all students, the opportunity to develop their full potential in mind, body and spirit within a happy, secure and disciplined environment where the dignity of an individual is upheld.
  • To provide a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum in keeping with the requirements of different intelligences focusing on differential teaching. A dynamic curriculum with an emphasis on scholastic excellence, which will include the teaching of life skills with reference to leadership, problem solving, entrepreneurship, development of self-confidence and self-discipline enabling students to realize their full potential
  • To provide the best possible academic, sporting and boarding facilities in order to enrich the lives of the students, the school family and the wider community.
  • Promoting each child’s cognitive development.
  • Encouraging our students to remain obligating to humanity, to be better achievers of excellence of life in terms of potential, productivity, responsibility, ethics, creativity, versatility and compassion.

Our Mandate

  • To offer a nurturing environment catering to the needs of the Students at large across the different strata of society irrespective of their social
    and economic background.
  • To promote environmental sensitivity and inculcate a health-conscious environment.
  • To enhance children’s imagination and creativity by offering multifarious experiences.
  • To provide an environment which enable the children to acquire concepts and skills helping them to understand themselves, their culture, and the
    world they live in.
  • To develop social awareness, group responsibility and empathy through the social context of learning.
  • To enhance self-esteem and the ability to value each person’s own worth through a happy, caring, and enriching and secure environment.
  • To promote international mindedness through various e-programmes and by continuum to other accredited educational organizations.
  • To attract and retain employees of the highest caliber by providing an attractive and stimulating work environment that nurtures the professional
    growth and development of the individual.
  • To encourage transparency and open communication between all stakeholders of the academy.
  • To motivate students by boosting their exuberance to navigate and explore knowledge in order to make them best achievers of excellence and
    contributors to the society.
  • To excel in standards of education with dedicated teachers who seek multiple opportunities for professional growth and development.
  • To develop and master creative thinking and independent learning skills (e.g. critical thinking, self-management, discipline etc.).

Discover our School
